Is there life on mars?

At this time no life has been detected on Mars.

They did however find evidence of ice water a few inches under the soil near the polar ice cap (which on the surface is made out of dry ice), which water is one of the main things needed to sustain and form life. Unfortunately however they also found perchlorate in the soil in that same area which is extremely toxic to most life forms. There are however bacteria on Earth which consume perchlorate like we absorb oxygen called dechloromonas so it’s always possible life forms such as this could still be found in these conditions.


NASA’s machine:


Artist's concept of Mars Rover Curiosity



Curiosity's first scoop

This image from the right Mast Camera (Mastcam) of NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity shows a scoop full of sand and dust lifted by the rover’s first use of the scoop on its robotic arm. In the foreground.




Check out farah’s blog for more imformation☺

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